Here is a concise list of some of the principles I believe will help my kids as they go through life.

Things I’ve Come To Realize In Life

Lesson #1 – “The Word “Try” Is A Dangerous Word

Lesson #2 – Get Involved In Something Bigger Than Yourself

Lesson #3 – Family Is Everything. So Are Great Friends

Lesson #4 – Wherever You Are, Be There

Lesson #5 – If You Want Something Bad Enough, You’ll Figure It Out

Lesson #6 – Never Cheat On Anyone. Including Yourself

Lesson #7 – The Faster You Are Able To Not Care About What Other People Think, The Faster You’ll Be Successful

Lesson #8 – Always Try New Things

Lesson #9 – Always Be Curious

Lesson #10 – Trust Your Gut

Lesson #11 – Small Gestures Can Have World-Changing Impacts

Lesson #12 – Don’t Talk Behind People’s Backs

Lesson #13  – Become A “Morning Person”

Lesson #14 – Always Stand Up When You Shake A Man’s Hand

Lesson #15 – When A Woman Says Not To Get Her Something For Valentine’s Day, Don’t Ever Listen To Her

Lesson #16 – Never Hit A Woman

Lesson #17 – Be A Gentleman

Lesson #18  – Always Put The Shopping Cart Back

Lesson #19 – Never Litter

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