Advice For My Kids

Advice For My Kids: Put The Shopping Cart Back

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There are two types of people in this world, the ones who return shopping carts back where they belong and the ones who just leave them out in the parking lot to roll around freely, bump into people’s cars, and make other people track them down and bring them in for them.

Kids, we are the people who put the shopping cart back. We are the people who take 100% responsibility for ourselves and our actions. We are considerate and respectful of others, and we do what’s right when nobody is looking…even when we don’t feel like it. Some people would call that integrity.

You may hear the argument from some people, and they may be your friends, that the stores hire people to do this. No, there’s not a job description out there that says we’re looking for someone to go around the parking lot in search of shopping carts that people left next to their cars or are rolling around the street. Yes, they hire people to return shopping carts from the shopping cart corrals, but it’s your responsibility to get them there.

This may sound like a trivial thing but it’s a litmus test for the type of person you are. There is nothing in life that doesn’t matter. Everything matters to some degree. Remember, how you do anything is how you do everything.

I’m glad I got this one off my chest. Making the world better one person, and shopping cart, at a time.

– Dad


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